Monday, October 24, 2011

Daily Gleaner Article on Trail Reopening

Hello Everyone:

Here is a link to the Daily Gleaner article on our grand re-opening on Saturday.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Corbett Brook Trail - Reopening

We had our grand re-opening of our section of the Corbett Brook Trail this morning. It was well attended by our Scouts, Cubs and Rovers, parents of 5th Fredericton, Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside, New Brunswick Council Commissioner Peter Kent, and a representative from the Fredericton Trails Coalition.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Corbett Brook Trail - Invitation to Reopening

As part of the rejuvenation the Corbett Brook Trail, the 5th Fredericton Scout Group will be officially reopening a section of the trail at 10:00am, October 22, 2011, with Mayor Brad Woodside performing the ribbon cutting ceremony.